Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How to Make Your Marketing Simple and Enjoyable

Not having an easily recognizable business identity, or brand, that matches your innate style and spirit is hurting your business. Which means bottom line, it’s hurting your income – not a good thing.

Most solo entrepreneurs have the mistaken idea that getting a logo designed is the equivalent of branding their business. Au contraire, mon ami!

A true brand is about so much more than your logo. It’s a reflection of YOU, as expressed through the elements of your business.

A brand conveys the promise of a certain style of experience your clients can expect.

When you identify your unique brand, it shows up everywhere – in your logo, to be sure, but also in the services you offer, your program names, the fonts you use, even your outgoing voicemail message. There’s an easy congruence that takes place. It’s like your business can breathe a sigh of relief because everything just seems to fit together.

And one of the most marvelous side-effects of having your brand is that it provides structure and clarity to your marketing. Whether you’re engaged in an online launch promotion or a one-on-one “selling conversation,” it allows your marketing to be natural and enjoyable because it’s just you being you!

And that’s very appealing to prospective clients.

There are 3 major barriers to reaping the benefits of a strong, distinctive brand. Let me share them with you here, along with the “antidote,” so you can take steps to avoid them. . .

Brand Barrier #1 – Treating your marketing as separate from your services
The vast majority of contribution-centered entrepreneurs LOVE what they do but HATE having to sell their services. This usually means they pour their heart and soul into developing their program offerings, but give short shrift to anything related to marketing and promotion. There’s a disconnect between the two elements.

Antidote: If you’re not selling, you’re not transforming lives. Adopt the perspective that your marketing system is the first step in the transformation you offer clients. Your True Self has to be integrated into your sales and marketing process just the way you’ve integrated it into your products and programs.

Brand Barrier #2 - Thinking you have to be someone you’re not
Many creative, contribution-centered entrepreneurs (especially women) worry that who they are isn’t good enough, or smart enough, or professional enough to be seen as valuable. So they try to be more like someone other than themselves. It’s not only hard work, it actually puts potential clients off.

Antidote: In the words of the great Dr. Seuss, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” The Universe put you here, with your unique gifts and talents, to fulfill a particular purpose. Let your True Self come out to play in your business so that purpose is realized.

Brand Barrier #3 – Not having a process to identify and define your unique brand
When you don’t know how to do it, branding your business can seem like a challenging mystery – “by guess and by gosh” activity. Your brand or business identity is drawn from the unique combination of your gifts, talents and passions. Those are often hard for us to see without some kind of structure for uncovering them.

Antidote: Ask for help. This is a habit that will serve you well in all areas of your business. Leverage the skills and strengths of others to support you in business. (That allows them to fulfill their life purpose and passion!)

Now Your Business Can Breathe a Sigh of Relief

The more you express your True Self in ALL aspects of your business, not just in your services but in your sales and marketing actions as well – the easier it is to do, and the more attractive that is for potential clients.

Done well, your brand is an opportunity to create meaningful, thought-provoking connections with your clients along with focus, intention and energy in your business.

Article Tags: True Self

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