Wednesday, April 24, 2013

China LED Market Sourcing And Application Report 2007

As LED technology continues developing and shows advantages of low consumption, long life-span and environmental protection, its application has shifted from initial indicator light to such more potential fields as display panels, illumination, backlight, automobile lights and traffic lights, etc. Now LED application is developing in a diversified way. Demand for normal brightness still ranks first in Chinas LED market; however, the market of high brightness and super high brightness LED has even greater potential. Traditional red and green LED are widely drawn on in China. AlGaInP LED is still the mainstream and GaN LED is increasing sharply. The year of 2005 witnessed a growth rate of 18.4% in Chinas LED market.

This report expatiates upon the development and future outlook of Chinas LED application market, profoundly analyzes "hot" LED application markets including the display panel market, the backlight market, the landscape illumination market, the interior decorative lights market and the most potentially prosperous interior illumination market and elaborately studies the market scale, product structure, market configuration, brand fabric and market characteristics of LED. In this way, this report completely and specifically analyzes the development of Chinas LED market such as Led display,Led manufacturer,Electronic signs and the latest development of major manufacturers.

The report also forecasts the development trends of the LED market and its application fields for the next five years and analyzes the outer environment (policies and standards), the market trend, market structure and market scale that may influence the LED application market. This supplies decision-making foundation for relevant manufacturers to establish their market developing plans and strategic objectives for the next few years. On the basis of these analyses, the report ends itself with strategic suggestions for market development in the LED field.

Mainland China and Taiwan produce over 25% of the world's LED and LED displays. In China alone, output is expected to reach 65 billion units by 2007.With production growing 30% per year, how can you be sure of finding quality suppliers' Which suppliers are best positioned to meet your needs'

Get all the answers in this report featuring profiles of 68 leading suppliers, Shortlist the companies that meet your requirements to ensure that you remain competitive. Plus, read in-depth industry and market information including product trends, production and pricing forecasts, and coverage of the region's leading supply centers.

Impartial and in-depth profiles of 22 first-tier LED and LED display manufacturers in mainland China and Taiwan, featuring details on their manufacturing capabilities, QC and testing facilities, and R&D strategies. Based on personal factory visits and interviews with senior managers, this information is available nowhere else.

Brief profiles of 46 additional suppliers, highlighting key sourcing information such as monthly production output, key product lines, major export markets and R&D focus for the year
At-a-glance information of 66 of the top-selling export models, featuring key specifications, full-color pictures and ordering information.

A special look at the key product trends covering chip and HB LEDs. This all-new report covers: IR LEDs, color/white LEDs, LED lamps, LED displays, LED lights/cluster lamps, HB LEDs, visible light LEDs, chip LEDs and LED lamp/indicators.

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