Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Get FREE Consulting From The Top Internet Marketing Guru's!

You may be asking, how is this possible' Or, even better, what's the
catch' Do you have to spend $1,000 on their marketing program, in
eturn for a brief ten minute phone call, that you pay for' Nope.
There's no catch, and there's no money to be paid by you. Yes, I'm
serious. But you do have to do something. You have to ask. Just lik
with almost anything else in life, in order to succeed, you need to
devise a plan, take action, and don't quit. It's really that simple.

* So, how do you get this highly valuable free consulting'

Well, first you need to understand the power and role a mentor can
play in your life. By surrounding yourself with mentors you can
dramatically change many areas of your life, whether it be
accumulating wealth, becoming debt free, eating and exercising for
optimum health, or many other areas, including growing your interne

* What's a Mentor'

A mentor is someone with an area of expertise, that is willing to
share ideas and experiences with you on a regular basis. It's your
responsibility to use this knowledge wisely to improve that area of
your life. Having a mentor is like being the student in a student-
teacher relationship. But you get to do it on a one-on-one setting,
and you don't pay for lessons! How cool is that'

* How Do You Find A Mentor'

In order to find a mentor, you first must choose the specific area of
your life that you are looking to improve. If you were attracted to
this article by it's title, that area is most likely marketing your
business on the internet.

* How Do You Choose An Appropriate Mentor Candidate'

You need to choose someone who has already been very successful in
this particular area - whether it's someone you know, a leader in the
industry, or a well known writer on the subject. In the case of
internet marketing, pay attention to the names that you come across
constantly. Visit their web sites. Look at the names of the article
writers in the various ezines and newsletters that deal with internet
businesses and marketing.

* Take Action!

You can do all the planning in the world but if you don't put you
plan into action, you'll never succeed. So, what do you do next' You
go to the first person on your list and you contact them! Simple,
right' Hey, we all know by now that you don't get what you want
unless you ask for it.

I know what you're thinking - this person is successful and busy and
doesn't know me from Adam. Why would he give me his valuable time and
advice' And for free, no less.
First, the worst thing that can happen is this person can say no. If
that happens, what have you lost' Nothing. But if they say "yes",
what you stand to gain could be invaluable to your life and your
business. That's a risk I'm willing to take, aren't you'

Secondly, most successful people have been where you are now. They
remember it well and are wiling to pass along their experience,
because eithera)someone did the same thing for them when they started
out or b) they wish someone had done the same for them!

* Be Prepared

Yes, just like the Boy Scout motto. You must prepare before you
make contact. Their time is valuable - don't waste it. And
don't waste a great opportunity for yourself by not taking a
few minutes to prepare before making contact. You'll probably
find the most success by making contact by phone but if that
proves too difficult or you are uncomfortable with that idea,
you may want to try emailing them. That way, they can get back
to you at their convenience. Your first contact may go something
like this:

"Hello, Mr. Marketing Guru, my name is Joe Beginner. We've never
met and I know you are busy, so I'll be brief. I own a small
internet business. I know that you've done a fantastic job
growing your business into on the most successful small
businesses on the internet. I'm sure you faced some
challenges when you first started out. Well, I am in those
early stages myself, trying to figure everything out. Mr.
Marketing Guru, I would really appreciate it if you would
consider being my mentor. All that would mean is
spending ten minutes on the phone with me once a month
(or an email) so I could ask you a few questions. I'd
really appreciate it. Would you be open to that'"

If the answer is "No" thank him (or her) for his time and
move to the next person on your list. If the answer is "Yes"
find out when would be a good time. Follow up with a "thank
you" note, preferably handwritten.

Finding a mentor is a great way to learn and improve your life.
And someday, you can be a mentor, passing along the knowledge
and experience you have gained to someone else who is just
starting out. And so it goes.

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