Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Corporate Website is not a Business Card

Let's get one thing straight: a corporate website is not a substitute for a business card or a delivery van! Does this seem a little obvious to you' You'd perhaps be surprised to know just how many businesses, and not just the smaller ones, tend towards giving out an expensive business card rather than using their online presence effectively.

Part of the problem is a lack of understanding when it comes to considering the benefits that a business website can offer. For example, having an online presence allows you to engage with a whole new audience. If your marketing strategies are aimed mostly at the real world, then you could well be missing out on many, many potential customers.

Today most of us expect a business or company to have a website. It's one of the quickest and easiest ways that we can find out more about a company. Generally, people remember website addresses more easily than telephone numbers.

In the past, giving out your telephone number, or displaying it prominently on vans, cars, promotional literature, letters and so forth was not only the standard way of creating a link with potential customers, but it was also the easiest way for customers to know how to contact you.  The problem is that many businesses view a corporate website as being a modern substitute for the telephone number. They view it as a means by which customers can actively engage with the business and enter into a dialog. Too many businesses think this, and they are wrong.

Customers do not view a website address as a replacement for the phone number. Instead, it provides an extra dimension, an alternative way to approach the whole process of engaging with the company. Given a phone number, a customer had to actively call you, enter into a dialog, often with pre-prepared questions, and was then usually subjected to sales patter.

This generally worked in the favour of the business, because with professional sales people able to navigate questions, waylay fears and concerns, and generally adapt the conversation to suit the customer's individual needs, the business was able to present a dynamic, tailor-made solution to the customer's needs.

A website is often unable to achieve this. With a fairly static page, there is no room for dialog. Don't imagine that including an email address on your business website will entice customers to enter into a meaningful dialog. Email is not as successful a medium for sales as the telephone, no matter how good you are.

When customers visit a website it will usually be premeditated, and planned. They will have questions, concerns and your website will need to respond in a way which is relevant and quick.

Remember, whilst a customer is on the telephone they are yours; fail to impress them or engage with them quickly through your website, and your rival's site is merely a click away, and you'll never even have known about it.

There is a fine line between a static, dull and uninviting corporate website, and a jazzed up, dynamic, flashy animated display of technological wizardry that makes the customer feel as though they've been transported to some casino that's having a party night.

As you consider the design and presentation of your business's website, you will need to bear in mind the whole range of ways in which you attempt to engage actively with customers, including the specific branding methods used, the way in which your presentation design is assembled, and the media image you use.

Clearly, a website for your business will need to complement the general style of presentation and known brand image so that customers feel that they have reached the right site. A serious financial institute that presents a zippy cartoon-like website is unlikely to inspire, whereas a children's party business that has a static one-page website with a small picture and an email address is likely to encourage visitors to choose someone who knows what fun is supposed to be like. Your website speaks volumes, good or bad.

You should consider how you will engage with customers in a meaningful and dynamic way. Think about how you can identify their needs quickly and effectively, tailoring your website quickly to suit their particular purpose. Don't bombard the customers with questionnaires, but as effectively as possible, try to engage with them in a meaningful way.

The key phrases to consider when it comes to planning a corporate website are 'immediate relevancy' and 'dynamic delivery'. By making sure your website presents itself in a way which complements the known business brand image, ensuring that products and services are presented in a way which is likely to appeal immediately to the target audience, and including ways in which the content of your website can be adapted to suit the specific purpose of the individual visitors, you stand much more of a chance of your website bringing in those sales.

Article Tags: Corporate Website, Business Card, Enter Into

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